Friday, November 3, 2017

日本生まれの北朝鮮人 -- 非常に憂慮すべき問題

NORKS born in Japan -- this is a special concern

1910年から1945年にかけて南北朝鮮は日本の一部でした。ちょうどハワイが米国の一部であるように。もちろん、我々は1945年に公式にハワイを米国の領土としたのですが、それよりもずっと以前からハワイは事実上米国の物でした。 米国が奪い取ることが出来て本当に良かった -- でなければロシアかどこかの国に盗られていたことでしょう。




終戦直後ですら( 第二次大戦で日本はほぼ破壊されたが、朝鮮は膝に少しひっかき傷を作った程度)、朝鮮よりも日本の方が良いと彼らは考えました。


あるいは統一してから どちらかが勝つまでお互い殺し合うのか、決心がつかない状態のようです。

に尋ねてみてください。 怒り出すでしょう。彼らは答えられませんから。



このリンクに示したVoxのビデオの内容は現実と大きく離反しています。例えば、ビデオでは、韓国と日本の関係が悪いのは日本の右翼が原因だとしているが、実際には韓国の振る舞いと中国の好戦性のために右翼が力をつけているのを 都合よく事実を捻じ曲げています。


慰安婦について言えば -- 当時、売春は完璧に合法でした。韓国人は売春業で有名です。今日でも韓国そのものが 巨大な売春宿としてよく知られています。
2017年の現在でも、韓国の街角では 老婆が春をひさいでいるのです。

NORKS born in Japan -- this is a special concern
Between 1910-1945, Korea was Japan just like Hawaii is America. Well, we did not officially steal Hawaii until 1945, but we had effectively stolen it much earlier. I am very happy we stole it -- otherwise someone else would have, such as Russians.
Anyway, not to got into that, but Korea was truly a part of Japan and willfully became part of Japan in a legal annexation.
Koreans were then full Japanese citizens and many went to Japan. They became elected officials, police, Army officers, the works.
After the war ended in August 1945, many Koreans decided to stay in Japan. After all, they were Japanese, and even after the war they thought Japan -- which was basically destroyed -- was better than Korea, despite that Korea barely scratched its knee during World War II.
To hear Koreans talk, you'd think they were slaughtered by the millions. Practically nothing happened. Really...practically nothing. Most of the Koreans killed later -- after World War II -- were killed by other Koreans, and by Americans and other foreign forces, but not by Japanese.
Look at North and South Korea today. They can't make up their minds if they want to slaughter each other or get married and then slaughter each other until someone is top dog.
Ask Koreas where were the bombings and invasion locations during World War II and they might become angry. They can't think of any...
So, even with Japan destroyed, most stayed in Japan. And so today they speak Japanese fluently, are fluent in Japanese culture, and many have Japanese names. They are indistinguishable even by Japanese. Well, they are Japanese. Full Japanese citizens. One can become Prime Minister. Just a matter of votes.
Believe it or not, many see themselves as North Koreans. That's right. Imagine the implications for Japanese (and US forces) if war breaks out. No telling what could happen.
This Vox video is paper thin on context and reality. For instance, it blames Japanese rightwing for Korean-Japanese behavior, conveniently sidestepping that the rightwing is growing BECAUSE of Korean behavior and Chinese belligerence.
The video also sidesteps that millions of Koreans born in Korea are also wild-eyed about Japan despite never having been to Japan.
As for the mention of Comfort Women -- prostitution was perfectly legal then. Koreans are famous for prostitution. Even today, Korea is famous as a giant brothel. Grandmothers literally sell their bodies on Korean streets in 2017.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


MM said...


晩餐会で出される食事の写真をみたけど何これ? 超まずそうな上、消化不良起こしそう。「独島エビ」とやらも貧弱すぎる。相手の好みなどお構いなし、とても韓国らしいメニューです。

MM said...

韓国式の歓迎 その2

写真見るだけでも面白いです。韓国人は嫌がらせにかけては世界一! 晩さん会の後もデモ隊が暴れたので、トランプの車はルートを逆走してホテルに戻ったとか。招待しておいて嫌がらせ....とても韓国らしいです。

myhuonglequyen said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post!

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